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Varicate Newsroom

Dec 21, 2023

Date Published: 


Unlock Your Highest Emotional Potential And Mastery With The Power Method Workshop And Rise Above

     For the first time in seven years, you can attend Arda Oxdemir’s Emotional Mastery Workshop virtually through Zoom. The Workshop is for anyone “interested in mastering their emotions, regardless of where they are located.” Arda is the author of The Art of Becoming Unstuck and a former finance executive from Silicon Valley who has worked with over 4,000 clients.

     The virtual format promises to make Arda’s Power Method something everyone can attend. Arda said, “I’m extending a genuine invitation to all who want more balance in their lives.” The “unique 5-step Power Method can help you control your emotional reactions and rise above difficult people and challenging situations.” The Workshop promises to help remove obstacles while teaching how to overcome worry and frustration through unique tools and techniques.


     The Workshop begins on January 10, 2024. Attendees who register before January 1, 2024 will receive a 30% discount on the $275 cost. To register, please visit


EINPresswire (12-13-2023)

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