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Varicate Newsroom

Feb 16, 2024

Date Published: 


Shield Nutraceuticals Offers DigestShield® To Help Get The Most Nutrition From Any Food – Even Fast Food

     Brand ambassador, Dr. Tom Rogers, not only uses DigestShield® personally but with his patients as well.  It was developed by Steve and Sheridan Nice, entrepreneurs, as a reaction to customers frequently asking them for gluten-free choices at their café.  According to their press release, the product contains “prebiotics, probiotics, and digestive enzymes in each capsule” and is said to provide protection “no matter what you eat and get the most nutrition from your food – even fast food.”

     The DigestShield® blend was said:  

  • to be designed for both “optimal digestion and nutrient absorption”,   

  • purchaseable using both HSA and FSA account types, and

  • to need just two capsules prior to their meal to “avoid digestive discomfort."    

      Shield Nutraceuticals DigestShield®, an over-the-counter digestive aid is now available through and some local pharmacies.


PRNewswire (12-21-2023)

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